You can chain comparison in Python

Conditions may contain more than one comparison at once. You can have a condition that checks whether a value is greater than another and lesser than yet another all at once.


Q . Write a python program which depicts the chain comparison?

Note : You can take inputs of your choice.

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Condition 1

num1 = 8
num2 = 9
num3 = 10

if num1 < num2 < num3 :
    print(num1, "<" , num2, "<" , num3 )
else :
    print("The number are not in increasing order : ")    

Condition 2

num1 = 10
num2 = 9
num3 = 8
if num1 > num2 > num3 :
    print(num3, "is greater than " , num2 ,"\n So On ", num2 , " is greater than",  num1 )
     print("Chain Comparison is not True")

Condition 3

num1 = 6
num2 = 9
num3 = 6
if num1 < num2 > num3 :
    print("Num1 is smaller than num2 and num2 is smaller than num3")     
    print("Chain Comparison is not True ")   

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no1 = float(input('Enter your Number:    '))
no2 = float(input('Enter your next Number:    '))
no3 = float(input('Enter your next Number:    '))

if no1 < no2 < no3 :
    print('Numbers are entered in an Increasing order')
else :
    print('Numbers are not enterd in increasing order')    

# 2)

no1 = float(input('Enter your Greatest number :    '))
no2 = float(input('Enter your reference Number:    '))
no3 = float(input('Enter your reference Number:    '))
if no2 < no1 > no3 :
    print('Number you entered is the greatest number')
else :
    print('Number you entered is not the greatest number')  

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@kalpanasep14 @007swarajbari @tusharsuparets @thejaswini248

Excellent work.
Keep Practicing more.

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Nice , Keep it up.