XGBoost - Advanced Tree based Algorithm

What is XGBoost?

XGBoost is a decision-tree-based ensemble Machine Learning algorithm that uses a [gradient boosting framework. In prediction problems involving unstructured data (images, text, etc.) artificial neural networks tend to outperform all other algorithms or frameworks. However, when it comes to small-to-medium structured/tabular data, decision tree based algorithms are considered best-in-class right now. Please see the chart below for the evolution of tree-based algorithms over the years.

XGBoost algorithm was developed as a research project at the University of Washington, presented their paper at SIGKDD Conference in 2016 and caught the Machine Learning world by fire. Since its introduction, this algorithm has not only been credited with winning numerous Kaggle competitions but also for being the driving force under the hood for several cutting-edge industry applications. The algorithm differentiates itself in the following ways:

  1. A wide range of applications: Can be used to solve regression, classification, ranking, and user-defined prediction problems.
  2. Portability: Runs smoothly on Windows, Linux, and OS X.
  3. Languages: Supports all major programming languages including C++, Python, R, Java, Scala, and Julia.
  4. Cloud Integration: Supports AWS, Azure, and Yarn clusters and works well with Flink, Spark, and other ecosystems.

How to build an intuition for XGBoost?

Decision trees, in their simplest form, are easy-to-visualize and fairly interpretable algorithms but building intuition for the next-generation of tree-based algorithms can be a bit tricky. See below for a simple analogy to better understand the evolution of tree-based algorithms.

Imagine that you are a hiring manager interviewing several candidates with excellent qualifications. Each step of the evolution of tree-based algorithms can be viewed as a version of the interview process.

  1. Decision Tree: Every hiring manager has a set of criteria such as education level, number of years of experience, interview performance. A decision tree is analogous to a hiring manager interviewing candidates based on his or her own criteria.
  2. Bagging: Now imagine instead of a single interviewer, now there is an interview panel where each interviewer has a vote. Bagging or bootstrap aggregating involves combining inputs from all interviewers for the final decision through a democratic voting process.
  3. Random Forest: It is a bagging-based algorithm with a key difference wherein only a subset of features is selected at random. In other words, every interviewer will only test the interviewee on certain randomly selected qualifications (e.g. a technical interview for testing programming skills and a behavioral interview for evaluating non-technical skills).
  4. Boosting: This is an alternative approach where each interviewer alters the evaluation criteria based on feedback from the previous interviewer. This ‘boosts’ the efficiency of the interview process by deploying a more dynamic evaluation process.
  5. Gradient Boosting: A special case of boosting where errors are minimized by gradient descent algorithm e.g. the strategy consulting firms leverage by using case interviews to weed out less qualified candidates.
  6. XGBoost: Think of XGBoost as gradient boosting on ‘steroids’ (well it is called ‘Extreme Gradient Boosting’ for a reason!). It is a perfect combination of software and hardware optimization techniques to yield superior results using less computing resources in the shortest amount of time.
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