Word of the Day (CB290523)

Hello guys! Welcome to the English learning community :people_hugging:

Let’s upgrade our vocabulary and express ourselves with more impact by learning one new word every day. You will find the word of the day for each day’s session here :smiley: :books:

Feel free to comment on this post by sharing relevant example sentences of the words that are presented in each session.

                         Word of the Day (29.05.23)

Flabbergasted: Greatly surprised or astonished

Example : She was too flabbergasted to speak


He was so flabbergasted about the gift he received.

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I was flabbergasted when i ate noodles prepared by my sister

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I was flabbergasted about the victory of CSK

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he was flabbergasted on price of the product

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i am flabbergasted about the number partcipants here as we usually have 19 members in our tech classes

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i was Flabbergasted about my new puppy

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i am flabbergasted of today’s word

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I was flabbergasted when my sister gave birthday gift

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I was flabbergasted hearing about the molest news of the Indian sports woman

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I was so flabbergasted by seeing number of modules in edyoda platform.

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I was flabbergasted by seeing some advertisements

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I was flabbergasted at his reply.

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I am flabbergasted seeing the rain coming

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i was flabbergasted when i came to know chennai won the match yesterday

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i was flabbergasted that my emotions were confilected

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I was flabbergasted to fear CSK won IPL 2023

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She is flabbergasted by the way they answered.

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I was flabbergasted to hear CSK won IPL 2023

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I was flabbergasted when I discovered that Edyoda offers a wide range of courses taught by experts from around the world !

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