Word of the day - CB210823

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Let’s upgrade our vocabulary and express ourselves with more impact by learning one new word every day.

You will find the word of the day for each day’s session here :smiley: :books:

Feel free to comment on this post by sharing relevant example sentences of the words that are presented in each session.

                 Word of the day (21.08.23)


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I am flabbergasted by the price of the new iphone

I am flabbergasted by the rising rent prices in Bangalore.

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I was flabbergasted by seeing by school friend

I am flabbergasted by seeing the price of petrol rate

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i was flabbergasted by the rising price of tomatoes

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He was too flabbergasted to speak English

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I am flabbergasted by seeing a beautiful view outside from my house.

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I was Flabbergasted by looking into my results

They flabbergasted towards my performance.

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I am flabbergasted by the course fees at edyoda platform.

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Iam flabbergasted when saw my friend from long distance

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This news has left me totally flabbergasted

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I was flabbergasted when my mom gave me a new phone

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My parents were flabbergasted by prices of buildings in AP

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once I wakeup in the hills my mind was flabbergasted by the nature …

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I was flabbergasted with payment issue amount

Jiya was utterly flabbergasted when she saw her parents after long time.

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i am flabbergsted to see the wheather now a days.

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