Word of the Day - CB120623

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                        Word of the day (12.06.23)

Condescending: Having or showing an attitude of superiority/ treating someone as if you are more important them


Example- The man at the bill counter spoke to me in a condescending tone


The boss treated the employee at the office in a condescending manner

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My seniors in the office talk me in condescending way.

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if you don’t have an id,the guard speaks with you in a condescending way.

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one of my friend always speaks in the condesecending tone

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my senior talk me in condescending mannar.

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The last year student talked to first year student in condensendimg tone.

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Speak in attitude or rude

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He tends to adopt a condescending manner when talking to young women.

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English mentor
teaches her students in condescending way

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Babies are condescending for parents

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She Condescended to speak but she contradicted herself.

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The higher person in the team treats the other members in a condescending manner.

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As a learner we must not speak in condescending way

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Why people always tend to have a condescending tone, when they fail to answer a logic!

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local mp spoke in condescending tone with the workers

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the bus conductor spoke to the passenger in condescending manner.

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The actress behaved to me as in a condescending manner.

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when i am travelling in train the TC had spoken to me in condescending way.

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