Why is WhatsApp so Popular in India?

:thinking: :thinking:Have you ever thought why we stopped using SMS when only a decade ago it was the most commonly used method for communication? :calling:

:thinking:How did WhatsApp become so important in our daily interactions? :selfie:

Why do we feel the pull to compulsively check our statuses? :vibration_mode:

Find out! :point_down: :point_down:

:point_down:Put down your thoughts down below! Why do you think we stopped using SMS? :eyes:


emojis,stickers,video,audio,we can share in communication while interacting with other its fun maybe that’s why it become popular


There are several factoros that contributed to the decline in the usage of SMS and the rise of messaging apps like WhatsApp. Here are a few reasons:

  1. Cost: SMS messeges were typically charged per message by telecom providers, whereas messaging apps utilize internet data for communication, making them more cost-effective, especially for sending messages internationally.

  2. Features and Functionality: Messaging apps offer more features and functionality compared to SMS. They allow users to send not only text messages but also multimedia files such as photosvideos, and voice messages. Additionally, messaging apps often provide group chats, read receipts, message encryption, and other features that enhance the user experience.

  3. Internet Connectivity: As Internet connectivity became more widespread and affordable, people started relying on data-based messaging apps that require an Internet connection. This allowed for real-time communication and eliminated the limitations of SMS, which required cellular network coverage.

  4. Cross-Platform Compatibility: Messaging apps like WhatsApp are available on multiple platforms, including smartphones, tablets, and computers. This cross-platform compatibility enables users to access their conversations seamlessly across different devices, making messaging more convenient and accessible.

  5. Global Popularity: WhatsApp gained significant popularity globally due to its ease of use, reliability, and availiability on various operating systems.

Regarding the compulsion to check statuses or messages frequently, there are several psychological and social factors at play:

  1. Fear of Missing Out (FOMO): People often feel the need to constantly stay updated and connected with their social circle.

  2. Social Validation: The need for social validation and approval plays a role in the compulsion to check statuses. People seek recognition and feedback from their peers, and checking statuses provides a means to gauge their social standing or gather attention.

  3. Dopamine Release: Receiving notifications and messages triggers the release of dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure and reward. This physiological response creates a sense of anticipation and reinforces the habit of compulsively checking for updates.

  4. Habit Formation: Constantly checking statuses or messages can become a habitual behavior. Repetition and reinforcement lead to the development of a habit loop, where the cue (e.g., notification sound) triggers the routine (checking) and results in the reward (satisfaction, connection, or relief).

It’s essential to maintain a healthy balance and use technology mindfully, ensuring that it doesn’t negatively impacat our well-being or daily life interactions.

Thank you.


Hi @aswinkumar664 , you’ve hit the nail on its head! Those are, at the surface level, the reasons why WhatsApp became so popular!!!

@akshithasams , that’s a detailed and quite accurate depiction of the psychology behind the branding and positioning of the product into our daily lives - particularly the Habit formation part!

Great stuff everyone :star_struck: :star_struck: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:


Whatsapp became popular because it offers:
cost-effectiveness, features, and functionalities it provides which is far more than sms provides. internet data or connectivity, unlimited msgs, and national/international communication affordable.
Whatsapp allows us to share audio, video, images, documents, voice notes, and much more. it allows us to connect with our loved ones through video calls.
and the disappearing msgs functionality allows us to save our memory usage.
Whatsapp end-to-end encryption enables a person’s security. it has become a very good platform for business communication as well.

Sms doesn’t have many features that Whatsapp has.