Welcome to Visionary Challenge for Data Science Program!

Hey everyone! :wave:

We are back with the latest Visionary Challenge - ‘Create a Hangman Game using Python!’ :star_struck:

The following are the requirements of the submission -

1. The Hangman game should ask the Name of the User. :heavy_check_mark:
2. The user should get 3 chances to guess the word. :heavy_check_mark:
3. There should be at least 5 words added to the game for the user to guess. :heavy_check_mark:
4. If the user guesses the correct character there should be a response. Otherwise, notify the user that they made a mistake. :heavy_check_mark:
5. If the user is able to guess all the characters of the word within the maximum number of attempts, they win the game. :heavy_check_mark:
6. If the user exhausts all their attempts before guessing the entire word, they lose. :heavy_check_mark:

All submissions will be manually evaluated by the Program Delivery Team. The winner will be decided on the following criteria -

  1. Meeting the requirements of the challenge :white_check_mark:
  2. Originality of coding :white_check_mark:
  3. Creativity :white_check_mark:
  4. Submitting the project here and the explanation video in the google drive link shared. :white_check_mark:

~ Plagiarism will be grounds for disqualification.

Deadline is - 14th May 10 pm.

We are eagerly awating your submissions and your explanation of the project! :grin:

:checkered_flag:All the best everyone! :100:

cc. @zk6290254938 @Divya @mohammedaliparkar342 @kaushal.kk37.kk @niharikag.yadathore @mvaishali729 @udk.amazon @kalyanidudhekar


numbers = list(range(1, 21)) # create a list of numbers from 1 to 20
exclude = [] # create a list to store the multiples of 2 and 3
for num in numbers:
if num % 2 == 0 or num % 3 == 0:
result = [num for num in numbers if num not in exclude] # create the result list
print(result) # print the result list

This is my attempt to the hangman challenge
(video link is in the readme file)



Thank you Swaraj for your participation.

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Thank you for your participation


Hi everyone :wave:!

We are once again blown away by the response for this challenge :exploding_head:!

I want to specially shout out to @sms18680 @sssameera2004 (a special acknowledgement for sending the explanation of the project before that clause was removed from the requirements list, I still appreciate it! :star_struck:) and @007swarajbari for their projects :star_struck:!

All of you who participated have shown your creativity and enthusiasm :clap: :clap: :clap: and we appreciate the time and effort you put into your submissions!

The winner for this Visionary Challenge met all the challenge requirements, went beyond those requirements and had a flair of creativity :rocket:!

Congratulations to @annmariajoy1999 from DS150423 as the Winner of the Visionary Challenge - Project on Create a Hangman Game using Python! :100:.

The project you created showed sparks of creativity and thought, and good implementations of the technical skills you are learning! :metal: :heart:

We will come to you with the next challenge soon, till then keep practising and keep learning! :grin:

cc. @niharikag.yadathore @zk6290254938 @mohammedaliparkar342 @kaushal.kk37 @udk.amazon @kalyanidudhekar @guptadivya0312 @Vaishalim722



Very very heartedly Congratulations :clap::tada::tada::tada: for winning the contest :heart_eyes: .

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Thank you very much :heart:

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Congratulations @annmariajoy1999

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congratulations for your achievement


Congratulations @annmariajoy1999 :tada: :tada: :tada:


congratulations :tada: :smile: :slightly_smiling_face:

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hanger man