Today practicing session date 23/12/23

1-what are the data types in java script?
2-how many ways you can display java script output ?
3-what is concatenation give some examples?
4-what are variables in java script?


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  1. Data types :- 1.pre defined data type 2. User defined data type
    2.using alert(), prompt() , document.write(),console.log() we display the output
  2. Concatenation is used to join more than one string together
    Ex . var f_name = "john ";
    var s_name = “doe”;
    console.log(f_name + s_name);
    4.variable are used to store the data . We are say that it’s a container to hold or store the data
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1.number, srting, boolean, null, undefined, obect
2. 5 ways to display js output- console.log, document.write, inner HTML, alert, DOM manipilation
3.combining of multiple strings together.
let firstName = “janga”;
let lastName = “vasantha”;
let fullName = firstName + " " + lastName;
4.used to store date. var, let, const

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