They have not given us any infoirmation reagrding how to give the coding exam or the types of compiler we have to used and there are some default lines in the dode which they have not been erased and due to which the code gets wrong

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they have not given us any infoirmation reagrding how to give the coding exam or the types of compiler we have to used and there are some default lines in the dode which they have not been erased and due to which the code gets wrong

yes, they haven’t informed us

Hi @usmanbasha006 and @nitheeshmeesala , we are sorry to hear of the experience you had. We have taken your feedback and will be working on making the Certification process easier for you moving forward. We will shortly be sharing some resources here which can help in understanding the process.
If you had technical issues, please feel free to reach out to .

Once again, we apologise for the difficulties you faced.