Solution for working professionals who cannot participate in the group film analysis assignment

Hello Everyone,

All those who are unable to attend the group assignment should do the following to submit their assignment and pass.

Step 1- Select an English movie of your choice (It cannot be super hero movie or dubbed movie).

Step 2- Write a film analysis of the movie in your own words

Step 3- Record yourself speaking the same script.

what you will submit for the assignment
You will submit two links. One link will be a google doc of your script and the other link will be a link to the video of you speaking about your film analysis.

Note: You can first upload these two documents on google drive first and then submit it under assignments


@aysha.p Mam you told to resubmit film analysis assignment via email, as early on by mistaken I am unable to give you google drive access , I have sent it to you. please check it, n upgrade my marks