Self Introduction Video Marks

Hello I Done Submission Early But still i get 0 marks , And does not mentioned any comments related to that why its 0?

Sorry if this happens then I don’t want to continue to attend class .

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yes i agree with you , and not mentioned reason also


Hi , dear child @harshdip1804 atleast see properly before mentioning anything to anyone you should check that , that the mistake is from yourside may be or not , and this time it’s a mistake from yourside you can see i pasted two images for you here:-

![Screenshot 2023-07-12 115116|690x363]
see properly i mention the comment there only when i am evaluating your assignment and link you provided is access denied you forgot to give access to your own assignment after mentioning this thing again and again to you guys to give access to your assignment properly without seeing it and checking it properly don’t blame :smiley: :smiley: and don’t tell like this if this happens you don’t want to contuinue to attend classes that totally your decision we respect that but don’t put commas in by taking this thing when mistake is totally from your side as now also when i recheck this thing i can see same mistake again so it’s better if you check yourself first that should be better :smiley: :smiley:
Hope you understood my point of view!!

Hi dear @tanurayajadhav

you also same for you as i told to harshdip for you also i mention and when i am rechecking now you can see what i got and rectify it by yourself which fault this was from ourside or from yourside!!

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Hello, i accept Your decision but this comment is visible now Yesterday its failed and written in red and in comment doesn’t mentioned anything . this color also changed now and also comment added now .
and also what about deadline ? u mentioned deadline after deadline it should not be considered ?

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Hi @harshdip1804 i dont know why it is not visible to you yesterday there may be some technical glichtes but when i am checking an assignmnet i always comment same time with that assignment so this is wrong that comment is added now because i already mention yesterday only and for color also same thing and which deadline you are telling about deadline is already hitted but if you give access to your same assignment then it will not consider deadline because when previously you submitted assignment that time will only consider after rechecking or correcting your mistakes also there is no deduction for late submission because previously you already submitted it time !!

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Yes i understand Your point of view but why its 0 ? if its not accessible at least You mentioned direct access denied ? this is Our first attempt so may be its mistake but its doesn’t mean given directly 0 ? also same thing with python quiz i already mailed to support that my laptop was hanged automatic answer submitted still there also failed ? i didn’t understand your criteria for given marks . and mam already told if Your video submission after deadline its reduce marks that why we hurry to submitted video and now your saying there is no marks deduction after deadline ? then why showing deadline we submit any time then is it okay ? its really disappointed within month two times already

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you are right mam we have to check things neatly before submitting quizzes and assignment

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I think the glichte has occured again mam, I also submitted the video before the time line, and as a result of that I was awarded zero and students are now submitting there videos even after the pre mentioned time, this was the first assignment uploaded to edyoda from my side, I respect the result but I dont think that the submission is worst to that much extent that it deserves a zero, I did not know the passing criteria or checking parameters of yours, but failing someone without giving proper feedback is more depreciating, atleast give a scope for correction and tell the mistakes, so that we can try again,we are worth for a feedback


@ashish.w2345 Bro its not about deadline and neatly its all about deadline they are given if not the deadline then we also submit any time then whats the point of early submission and if they cant access then why they added comment morning why not yesterday ? and everyone new here it will take to understand this their platform but if without telling anything direct 0 its makes sense ?

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Heyy you don’t understand what i am saying i am saying that your marks will deduct if you submit after hitting the deadline 10 percent deduction aysha mam told you right thing only what i am saying its diffrent i am saying if you already submitted that video and that video contain some errors then if you again submitted it or corrected that video or assignment then your marks will not deduct because you submit previously first time in right timr or in timely manner so if error comes after submitting you can corrected it then when i recheck it after deadline is crossed your marks will not deduct because previuosly you submitted in a right manner but those students who submitted lately after deadline being hitted then there is deduction for sure !! but in your case why this not deducted you know because you submit first time right thing in right manner when you submitted something system will capture your timings according to that we starts evaluation that’s whyy and for 0 marks its a rule when something is error we can’t only provide only comments we need to provide marks also and that marks will be 0 because there is nothing in that we can evaluate for you and look dear TAs are really working hard to evaluate all of your assignments manually it really tooks our efforts also there is nothing that we do intentionally we also want to give our students good marks and for python quiz I am not responsible for that thing and TAs are not responsible for Quiz technical thing support team will be because i am not TA of your batch but i can surely convey your message please tell me your batch code!! Your TA will surely help you out from this situation!!

yes brother its not about early submission or late, its about encouragement we all are new to this platform and not everyone is aware of the system thoroughly if they failed us on first try how can some one build courage to go on further

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Hi @ashish.w2345 yess dear definetely !!

good after noon mam, the lack of feedback has left me unsure of what aspects may have led to the zero grade,I greatly value constructive feedback, as it enables me to identify my weaknesses and make the necessary improvements,any guidance or suggestions you could offer to help me understand the evaluation criteria better would also be highly appreciated.

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I understand that you have many students and commitments, but I genuinely believe that understanding the reasons behind my grade would greatly benefit my learning journey

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Thank you mam for Your continue support and i am really sorry .

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@harshdip1804 are it’s alright I am here for you guys only to make you understand everything!! :blush: :blush: so no problem!!

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thank you mam for coming forward and resolving the doubts I realy appreciate for your effort and your time and also sorry if in any way I let you feel hinder for your process…thank u so much