Request for Consideration Regarding Web Dev Fundamentals Certification Project


I am writing to explain the challenges I encountered while working on the Web Dev Fundamentals Certification project during the recent exam.

The exam began on Sunday at 2 PM, but due to unexpected travel plans on Monday, I faced time constraints upon reaching my destination. Additionally, adjusting to a new environment was difficult, and a power outage on the first night further disrupted my progress.

Balancing my job with the project became demanding, especially as power cuts continued for 3-4 days, limiting my ability to dedicate time to the task. Despite these obstacles, I persevered and completed the project today.

I understand the importance of meeting deadlines and following guidelines, and I regret not submitting the project on time. I kindly request your understanding of my situation. If possible, I would greatly appreciate any consideration you could offer in terms of marks for the Web Dev Fundamentals Certification project. Alternatively, I would be grateful for an opportunity to resubmit it.

Additionally, I have the option to reattempt the exam, but it requires payment. Considering my circumstances, I kindly ask for your assistance in waiving the reattempt fee. I genuinely hope that my situation can be taken into account, allowing me to have a chance for a reattempt without incurring an additional cost.

Enclosed are the project links (GitHub, video, and website) for your review.

Thank you for your time and understanding. I look forward to your guidance regarding this matter.

Here are my links:
GitHub Link
Video Link
Website Link

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Hi dear you can reach out to support team for this they will resolve this for sure !!