Regarding My Communication Bootcamp result

Hello Team,

My name is Keerthi.
My Communication bootcamp results are out. It is showing Failed in round 2 not even get 1 mark showing in round 2 and it is showing 0/50, may I know the Reason why?
I submitted all My videos and I passed in Quizzes’ and Moreover I got 48/50 marks in round1 but in round 2 zero marks can you please tell me the reason why ??

Thanks and Regards

Hi @keerthibeeraka , Please check if you met all the criteria for video submission, and that you gave proper access.

My Overall grade showing 75.96%

I’ve given all the access to my video for others to watch. Just now I rechecked could you please check your end and let me know.

This is the link I’ve shared

@keerthibeeraka We are unable to find your submission under round 2. Don’t worry, your video will be evaluated soon

Ok Thank You for your quick response…