Regarding Html/css final project

hello , sir I am Alhan Hussain batch Number - FSR170723 , I got 143 in my project could you please let update the passing marks to 70% or give me another chance to sumbit without marks deduction.

please consider

Alhan, resubmission cannot be done unless it is supported by a valid reason.

You have left certain components incomplete in your assignment like the navbar and you haven’t used any media query to make website responsive. That’s why you got less marks.

yes sir I got my mistake I know my mistake, actually I saw the responsive design session little later that’s why I was not aware of media query even now am not completely aware of that.
so please grade me this time from the next Time I will be fully prepared.


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hello sir , you said you will upgrade my marks this time regarding this html/css final project but you did’t responded yet .


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Yes, I have updated.