Regarding Assignment in python

how to upload the code written in the visual studio in google file

Hi @pirjadesimran815 can you please explain to the student here?

today i write the code of Fibonacci Sequence for assignment i wrote the code but i don’t know how to upload in the google drive can you explain help me to day is the last day for it

Hello… @titiksha.chakraborty Yes…I will try my best.

Hello… @badhrihaswanth
Open your drive you can see ‘+ New’ symbol just click on it. You will see option File upload click on it. Then choose your file that you want to upload it. After that double click on that file it will open then copy that link and submit it.
Alternative method is that - Create repository in GitHub. Upload your ipynb file. Then copy the link of that repository and submit it.

I hope so it will be helpful for you…please let me know…