Regarding Assignment Evaluation

Hello Edyoda Team,

I have submitted all the assignments of my Python module, but they have not been evaluated yet starting from assignment_3. Only assignment_1 and assignment_2 have been evaluated so far. Due to this delay, my overall performance percentage is being negatively affected. Therefore, I kindly request you to evaluate the remaining assignments as soon as possible.


Please contact your TA in the session.

@guptadivya0312 , please help this student.

hello ma’am.

My assignments are not evaluated yet. My performance percentage is reducing. It will reflect to my placements. If it is difficult to find out assignments from my github account, if that is the reason I will share all the assignments links through mail.


Do not worry, you will receive your marks soon.
It might be your TA is busy with the checking as there is a lot of assignment submission.

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Ok Ma’am . Thank You.

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