Queries Related Mini - Project

Hello Mam/Sir,
I was doing banking_application project but in the second part of the banking_application where we have to give the button. in that there have 6 options like press D for Deposite and W for withdraw & E for exit many button was there so my program in not running properly the second programs means in button_Initillzation . For D & W my condition is running whereas if I’m pressing other button then my condition is not running properly it will again come at W condition. so can you please help me for this. I’m pasting the google drive link below.


Hiii Ansh Srivastav,
We are reviewing your project, We will get back to you soon.


Hiii Ansh,
I went through your codes and I must say that you have done a great job. As such there is no issue with your code I found just a small mistake which is disturbing your whole program and that is :
elif i==“W” or “w”:

it should be:
elif i==‘W’ or i==‘w’:

rest whole code is absolutely fine, just correct it. and your code will work absolutely fine.

Thank you, mam for your help.

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Is it working fine now?

Yes mam thank you for that…
And one more Query I have mam related Assignment 4… I have answer the assignment question correctly but I don’t know why it’s showing failed. whereas my codes are correct.??

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you are from which batch?

Batch_Name :- DS291122A

okay, I will advice you to contact your TA for assignment related issues.

Will TA available on today’s session ??


Regarding your assignment 4.
The link which you submitted is not opening giving some error ,
stating you have moved that file to your Google drive trash .

Either you need to restore the assignment 4 files that you moved to the trash folder or submit all the files again.

Can I re-submit my assignment?? If yes then how can i removed my previous assignment link from portal


Have you your files in your Google drive trash folder?
If yes restore it , than you don’t need to submit the link again

If you haven’t find it in trash folder than let me know , will allow you to submit the link again.

I have restore it, can you check once. hope it’s visible now. let me know me if it is not interrupted.

@sriv.ansh sure, wil check it.