Python certification re-attempt

I Rituraj Datta, a student of Data Science program(Batch No.: DS010923) gave my certification exam on 19th November, but failed due to the level of the test.

The test was practically at higher level then that of the actual lesson we were taught in the program, which I also mentioned in our course assessment classes. And due to my financial constraints I would not be able to pay for the re-attempt as I know the first two attempts are free.

I talked with my TA @mvaishali729 mam, she said she will look into it and get back to me, but till date received no confirmation of my request. Please hear my plea mam.
Therefore I again urge you to grant my request to allow me to give the re-attempt at no cost.

@sindiya55 @mvaishali729 @Vaishalim722 @drishtinayak2828-TA mam please atleast give me a proper reply, I have been asking the same thing for 10 days now.

Please write mail to the support about your concern @dattariturajofficial

@sindiya55 Already did multiple times !