Python certification exam DS160123 shweta patro

i faced a lot of problems in my round2 exam round 1 went well but for round2 the website did not open due to technical issue which my final result showing failed.i did many mails messages calls during the exam but no one helped.that relly dissapointed me.

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same issues here they have worst support team.

Hi @shwetapatro42 , while I understand that the problems you faced could be frustrating, however, our Support Team works hard to resolve it as quickly as possible.

I am attaching the sreenshot for the correspondence between you and the Support Team -

As you can see, as soon as you reached out, our Support Team member responded and provided the resolution.

I request you to please go through your mail once and check. Once you do, go through the directions provided in the mail.

If your issue is still not resolved, please reach out to the Support Team, we are always there to help you out.

Hi @mohitkrishnia26 , can you let me know what your issue was? If it is related to the Certification, haven you written a mail to the Support?

i written a lot of emails check out all time your team say our team is checking in this. your query is now closed

Can you please clarify what your query was? It would be best if you can provide the screenshot for your problem. We will go through it once again and recheck if your query was supposed to be closed or not @mohitkrishnia26 .

On certificate test day on my area there is no light from 7 am during 9:20 it come and at that time i start my pc for exam and after starting of test when i was on 1st question light gone it come back on 11:35 and when i open back webpage for exam it shows me fail 0/200 and in round 2 after finishing full code which work correctly and updating data in json also as question then also a single testcase can’t run. I have made full code for that according to needs and data but then also they gives me 0/200 it hurts i have hackerrank, geekforgeeks, udemy, great learning certificates of python and even in your own quizes and assignments my performace is outstanding then also fails it hurts a lot and i contact your support team a lot but no one solve issue till now. I have another course also of 2.7k of PWskills data science masters and they have a great quality and content and support team in comparison of your 31k course.

@mohitkrishnia26 , our Support Team has been working on your issue and that was why your query has been closed. Someone from our Support Team will reach out and talk to you shortly, explaining the process.
I can understand the probelms you faced and know it is frustrating, but you are not alone and we have been working towards resolving it. Please don’t worry as the situation was beyond your control, so you’ll get another chance.

Please be patient while someone from our end reaches out to you.

Hi @mohitkrishnia26 , I just had a talk with the Support Team, Asha reached out to you and connected regarding the issue.

I hope this helps, let us know if you need further assistance.

seriously i am also felt bad with the same thing

i am continuously sending mails,messages,calls but there is no response from them

@shwetapatro42 , as per the screenshot I shared, Support Team has already responded. Can you please check your mail.

once again I am attaching the screenshot -

If you still face difficulties, please reach out to Support Team once again.