Pandas and Numpy basic quiz

1.) How to use numpy and pandas ?
a ) import numpy
b.) import pandas
c.) Both a and b
d ) None of above

2.) What does do ?
a.) gives information about the data .
b.) gives rows in the data.
c.) gives column in the data
d ) none of above

3.) What does data.tail() do ?
a.) Gives idea about data from start
b.) Gives idea about data from end
c.) None of above

4.) what does data.head() do ?
a.) Gives idea about data from start
b.) Gives idea about data from end
c.) None of above



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first que c
second que a
third que b
fourth que a

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1] c. both
2] a. gives information about data from start
3] b. gives idea about data from end
4] a. gives idea about data from start

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first question (c) second question (a) third que (b) 4) a

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1.) ans :c
2.) ans :a
3.)ans :b
4.)ans :a

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Amazing guys , keep it up

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