🚨 New Feature Alert - Session Feedback

Hello EdYoda Community! :wave:

I’m thrilled to announce the most requested feature update on classroom.

We have overhauled the feedback system completely.
This is coming in from multiple users giving us valuable suggestions and improvements.

Let’s get into details down below :point_down:

:triangular_flag_on_post: Objective
Improve accessibility and quality of live session feedback on classroom

:triangular_flag_on_post: Analysis

At present, there are two major challenges with this journey:

  1. Accessibility of feedback system

    1. It is a 100% voluntary submission from user side. For a support activity, this needs very high activation energy and multiple nudges to get it done from the user.
    2. There are multiple pages the user has to navigate to submit feedback. This adds in even higher energy to finish the task.
  2. Feedback Quality

    1. The questions are too long & dependent on sub-topics for those sessions. While we are able to capture whether a particular subtopic was covered or not, this does not give us any other information.
    2. The feedback questions fail to indicate session engagement.
    3. Lack of Text based feedback for deeper debugging.

:triangular_flag_on_post: New Feature :dizzy:

Here’s your first look :star_struck:

You can now tell even more specific information to us and your instructors. Some of the questions here are:

  1. Session Rating
  2. Session Engagement (Whether the session was engaging or boring)
  3. Areas of improvement *(feel free to tell us that we’re doing great! :heart:)
  4. Text Box

Not only that, we have now made even more inprovements to the way instructors can use this feature to make their sessions better. With our visualised data, instructors will be able to get actionable insights on where and how to improve.

Here’s a glimpse into instructor report :point_down:

:point_right: I’m excited to see you use this feature and take your EdYoda learning and teaching experience to the next level.

We have started to rollout this feature to all users and you should be able to experience this starting from today evening.

For any suggestions / feedback / improvements, you can reply back to this post or your can write directly to me on jishnav@edyoda.com

Our engineering team is always cooking something new. Keep an eye out on this space for updates. See you soon for the next big feature update.



Very good feature updates :ok_hand::ok_hand::ok_hand: