Need help with projects

I need help with the projects and assignments from my TA. I’m from the batch DS270223. This is very important as my projects are still pending.

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Hi ok child don’t worry your TA will reach out to you regarding all your queries!!
@vaishali-ds-ta please see this student concern !!

Hi @vaishali-ds-ta please help me with this topic. I’m still waiting for your reply and it’s 4 days passed.

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Hi @Vaishalim722 , please help the student understand how to submit assignments. She hasn’t submitted any assignments and can only watch session recordings as she is a working professional. Please explain the assignments submission process and evaluate those assignments.

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don’t worry! can you tell me what’s project you talking about? @apurvalokhande1234

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Hi @mvaishali729 I need help with the assignments. I’m unable to submit the assignments.


mention your module name and assignment…i will look into it @apurvalokhande1234

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All my assignments are pending right from the starting from Python. I need help with the procedure to submit the assignmet from Visual Code on Github as it’s giving me an error. I also spoke to Awantik Das (CTO) of Edyoda of 2 weeks as I’ve raised multiple tickets for the same. Also please extend the due date for CB010823 as I do night shifts and attending the lecture and submitting the quiz at the same day is impossible as I’ve to leave for office.

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okay…!you have to save your assignments and upload on github and submit link on your portal’s assignment submission…make sure your repository is on public so i could access…go to the upload file and submit there…and if its showing error then send me ss…and i dont know about your CB010823 batch…connect the TA of this batch

got it. Also please help me with the extension for the assignments of batch DS270223 which I already discussed it with Awantik Das (CTO) for 2 weeks so that I can submit all the assignments without any deduction in my marks

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sure thing @apurvalokhande1234

done from my side @apurvalokhande1234 let me know …you are submitting your assignments or not

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Thank you so much @mvaishali729 for the extension you saved alot time for me also could you please help me with the extension of the quiz also so that I can submit it asap.

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in quiz , there is no extension… @apurvalokhande1234

Hi Vaishali I’m getting this error when I’m trying to run the code

please help me

Hi @mvaishali729 this is the error I’m getting when I’m trying to run the code.

Hi @mvaishali729 I’ve submitted the assignment please check if it’s the right one so that I can go ahead and submit the other assignments as well

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submit all assignment …i will check it @apurvalokhande1234

Hi @mvaishali729 I’m getting this error when I’m trying to run the code. I’ve checked in multiple ways the code is correct however, it’s giving the same error.

yes your code is correct but first install pip for modules @apurvalokhande1234