Marks deduction in a assignment

@drishtinayak2828-TA Ma’am actually I am writing this query because I have been given less marks in my linear data srtructures assignment and the remark says ‘not using javascript’ , I had no idea that we cannot do DSA using java , I’ve always practised DSA using java and when asked for a assignment of DSA I submitted the same using Java only , moreover there in the assignment it was not mentioned that we have to use javascript as our language . please either give me another chance to do that assignment in javascript or regrade it in basis of java only .

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Hi dear tell me your batch code kindly!!

@shivamgupta638 Hi, Can you share the link of your DSA assignment using Javascript, Then your assignment will be regraded!

my batch code is FSR020923

sure just I’ll share it by end of day

GitHub - mavihs638/LDS-javascript.

@shivamgupta638 your assignment regraded!