Javascript basic quiz question

what is difference between == and === operator…?


== compares only the value but === compares value as well as data type.

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== operater check value is equal
while === checks value as well as datatype.

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== only compares the values stored in variable ,where as === compares both values and datatypes .

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== it compares only the values
=== it compares both the value and that a type

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== will check value and === check data type and value

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== is compares only the values
=== is compares both value and data type

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== compares the value
=== compares the values and data type

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== compare only the value
ex:- a==a
=== compare both the value and data type
ex:- a===string

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== compare only the value
=== compare both the value and data type(=== strictly equal to )

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== compares the value and === will compare the value as well as data type

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== is only to check the value
===is to check both value and datetype

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== used for compare the value
=== user for compare both value and datatype

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== check value is equal
=== checks value as well as datatype

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== is used to checks value
=== is used to check value as well as data type

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The difference between them is that the double equal sign (==) compares only the values of the two operands, while the triple equal sign (===) compares both the values and the types of the two operands.

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== compares the values
=== compares the values and data type of the element

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== operator does the “type conversion” of the operands before comparison
=== operator compares the values as well as the data types of the operands

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== is used to compare just values… Whereas === compares both values and data types

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== compares only value is same or not but === compares values as well as data types

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