It's been 4 days of MYSQL live sessions i am not able to learn anything in classes

HI Edyoda team, i am student of data science batch DS060623, from past 4 days i am attending the live session of MYSQL module but i am unable to understand any thing from it, i have also raised a ticket regarding the same but your teams has suggested me that you can change the batch. but i don’t want to change the batch as it will unnecessary delays my learnings. so i request you to change the instructor because not only me majority of our batch is facing the same issue and they have also raised the ticket but they also gets the same answer from your team.
so i request you to please look into this issue and make the required changes as soon as possible. also increase the duration of MYSQL module @titiksha.chakraborty


Yes sir I am also facing same issue in calss we are not going with handson like python classs please help us to learn Better


It is true, few days ago some operations team person came into our session and took the feedback and said that this will get rectified.
See we batch DS060623 are not against any instructor or Mohammad Sir himself we just need content and also there are people from Non-IT background in our batch and usage of Technical Jargon with appropriate and generalized meaning would be appreciated.

@titiksha.chakraborty Ma’am please look into this issue


Not only few, everyone is facing the issue in understanding the session. We have never highlighted any instructor so far. This issue is critical and needs immediate action. Please take strict measures asap.


Yes Instructor has good knowledge about SQL but he can’t explain the topics from scratch.


I am facing Same issue,


what ever mentioned above is true we are not able to understand core concepts of dbms kindly increase the duration of this module too


Yes sir I am from NON-IT background I am not able to understand anything please look into this issue and also please increase the duration of MYSQl module and also increase the duration of the quizzes and assignment.

@titiksha.chakraborty Please look into this issue as soon as possible


We are not understanding anything, I’m from non technical background and leaning python and dsa basics are very clear for me when Pratyush sir thought us . Please help us for understanding better MySQL like our previous topics


Sir I don’t understand anything from this instructor so please kindly arrange to replace this instructor


sir please me also facing same issue and i have also raised a ticket. they acces another batch if that time also instructer teaching is not proper so my time is lose . i want change the instructer and start from basics and increase the module time…


I have also raised the same issue but got the same reply from edyoda team that you can change the batch because other students are comfortable with the instructor. but the reality is majority of them are feeling the same. so please consider our request and change the instructor as well as increase the duration of this module. @titiksha.chakraborty


many students are facing this issue and I am one among them. It is (very very) ==> disappointment and difficult to understand what sir is trying to explain as codes are complex and not explaining the syntax properly. sir just copying and pasting the code from pdf or chatgpt . it is really a concerning issue I request EDYODA team to look into this issue (refer RECORDINGS if possible) and try to resolve as soon as possible because the course is for just 2 weeks. ALL Batchmates are loosing there time and money including me. please look into it @titiksha.chakraborty


yes, I agree with them.


I have also raised the same issue to support team and got the same reply from them that you can change the batch because other students are comfortable with this instructor. But the reality is many of the students are not understanding what he is teaching to us. So its a humble request to change the instructor asap.


Hi everyone, while I understand the situation you are facing but our representative already went into the live session and conducted a live poll. In that poll, majority of those attending agreed they do not want to change the instructor. Since the majority of the batch has no issues with the instructor, change of instructor is not possible. I suggest you all to be more forthcoming with the problems you are facing and reach out to the instructor himself during the live session to let him know how he can help you.

Mam you can see the majority of the people here we are not understanding anything only 2 or 3 people are understanding rest of all are facing issue and there is no any live poll conducted please conducted that live poll once again then everything will clear.

first of all the person who have joined in the live class on that day didn’t ask about who wants to change the instructor. he just asked what are the issue so we have shared few issues with him and he assured us that this things will get sorted just give us 1 day. We agreed on that but from the next day there was no any changes we can feel while learning from the instructor. So we have again raised a tickets for the same issue. But this time he asked us to change the batch if you want… but this is not a right solution because majority of us are not satisfied with the tutor… if you are still not convinced then I would request you to please go through the recording you will definitely get an idea what we are trying to say as well as you can raise a poll in the community or in the Edyoda portal. @titiksha.chakraborty

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There is a due procedure in everything. If majority of you felt this way, you ought to have informed during the live session itself. We have already gone through the sessions and know what has occured.

Whenever there is a change of instructor, there is always a period of adustment. Surely, there are different kinds of students learning with different skillsets, but open communications should be prioritized.

Regardless, as few of you from the batch have written to us on Community, we will look into this matter once again.

Someone from the Program Delivery will come into the live session today and talk directly with you and confirm the final resolution for this situation.

Please keep in mind that whatever is the majority decision in today’s session, that will be the decision we move forward with.

Make sure all those of you who had problems, join today’s session and let us know what you want officially.

I hope this will help.