HTML Final Questions

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   1.Is it possible to change the color of the bullet?

   2.Does a hyperlink only apply to text?

   3.How to insert a copyright symbol on a browser page?

   4.Examples of semantic tag and what does it effect on the page?

   5.What is a marquee?
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  1. No
  2. No it can apply to both
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  1. We need to use &#169
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  1. No
  2. No
  3. used to insert a scrolling area of text
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  1. A semantic element clearly describes its meaning to both the browser and the developer.
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Footer tag

morquee is diplay on title continusilng moving content like diplaying any thing

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  1. Yes, we can change the color of the bullet
  2. No, can be applied on text and images
  3. semantic tag describes meaning to tag by name. eg , , etc.
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5.used to scroll up down, left or right automatically the text

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1.Is it possible to change the color of the bullet?

2.Does a hyperlink only apply to text?

3.How to insert a copyright symbol on a browser page?
< !DOCTYPE html >
< html >
< body >

< h1 >HTML Entity Example< /h1 >

< h2 >The copyright symbol: &copy ; < /h2 >

< /body >
< /html >

4.Examples of semantic tag and what does it effect on the page?
A semantic element clearly describes its meaning to both the browser and the developer.

Examples of non-semantic elements: <div> and <span> - Tells nothing about its content.

Examples of semantic elements: <form>, <table>, and <article> - Clearly defines its content.

Semantic Elements in HTML

Many web sites contain HTML code like: < div id=“nav” > < div class=“header” > < div id=“footer” > to indicate navigation, header, and footer.

In HTML there are some semantic elements that can be used to define different parts of a web page:

  • < article >
  • < aside >
  • < details >
  • < figcaption >
  • < figure >
  • < footer >
  • < header >
  • < main >
  • < mark >
  • < nav >
  • < section >
  • < summary >
  • < time >

5.What is a marquee?
The < marquee > tag is a container tag of HTML is implemented for creating scrollable text or images within a web page from either left to right or vice versa, or top to bottom or vice versa.

< marquee width=“60%” direction=“up” height=“100px” >
This is a sample scrolling text that has scrolls in the upper direction.
< /marquee >

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4.header tag, main tag, footer.
5. marquee tag used to screen direction display

  1. Yes
  2. No
  3. &copy
  4. Eg- article, form, nav, aside, etc
  5. We can scroll text right, left, up and down automatically