Function Practice Question ( DS150423 ) - 11-05-2023

Create a python function which sorts Python Dictionary by Keys.

no_of_entries = int(input('Enter no. of items you want in your dict:   '))
lst = []
for i in range(no_of_entries):
    key_in = input('Enter your key:   ')
    value_in = input('Enter your value:   ')
    tup1 = (key_in, value_in)
dictionary = dict(lst)
# print(dictionary)

def quiz_function(variable_as_dict):
    list_of_key = list(variable_as_dict.keys())
    list_of_value = list(variable_as_dict.values())
    for i in range(len(list_of_key)):
        for j in range(i+1, len(list_of_key)):
            if list_of_key[i]>list_of_key[j]:
                list_of_key[i], list_of_key[j] = list_of_key[j], list_of_key[i]
                list_of_value[i], list_of_value[j] = list_of_value[j], list_of_value[i]
    return dict(zip(list_of_key, list_of_value))

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dictionary = {}
no_of_entries = int(input('Enter no. of items you want in your dict: '))

for i in range(no_of_entries):
    key_in = input('Enter your key: ')
    value_in = input('Enter your value: ')
    dictionary[key_in] = value_in

def quiz_function(variable_as_dict):
    return dict(sorted(variable_as_dict.items()))

sorted_dictionary = quiz_function(dictionary)

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def sort_tuple_last(tuples):
    return sorted(tuples, key=lambda x: x[-1]
sample_list = [(2, 5), (1, 2), (4, 4), (2, 3), (2, 1)]

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def sort_dict_by_keys(d):
sorted_keys = sorted(d.keys())
sorted_dict = {}
for key in sorted_keys:
sorted_dict[key] = d[key]
return sorted_dict

my_dict = {‘c’: 3, ‘a’: 1, ‘b’: 2}
sorted_dict = sort_dict_by_keys(my_dict)
{‘a’: 1, ‘b’: 2, ‘c’: 3}