Fun puzzles dated 25/04/2023

Hello Everyone!
Here I am having some fun puzzles!
Please reply your answer :grinning:

1.What is React Router?

a. A library for routing URLs to components in React applications

b. A tool for testing React components

c. A styling library for React

2.Which component is used to render a route with React Router?

a. <Route />

b. <Router />

c. <Switch />

3.Which prop is used to specify the URL path for a route?

a. path

b. url

c. route

4.What is the purpose of the component in React Router?

a. It allows for multiple routes to be rendered at once

b. It allows for conditional rendering of routes

c. It ensures that only one route is rendered at a time

5.How can you pass parameters to a route in React Router?

a. By using query strings in the URL

b. By using the params prop on the component

c. By using the useParams hook

Have a Happy Learning
Thanks & Regards
Teaching Assistant,
Dharshini M.

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  1. a. A library for routing URLs to components in React applications

  2. a.

  3. a. path

  4. c. It ensures that only one route is rendered at a time

  5. b. By using the params prop on the component

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@rprashant924 Thank you for your correct answers!

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  1. a
  2. a
  3. a
  4. c
  5. c
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5.By using the params pop on the componant