Fullstack Developer - The Visionary Challenge! (21st April)

Hey everyone :wave:!

We have returned with the second Visionary Challenge! :astronaut: :eyes:

:point_right:The topic is - Create a Stop Watch using HTML-CSS and JavaScript :point_left:

The following are the requirements:-

  1. Clock Animation :ballot_box_with_check:
  2. Three buttons - STOP, START, RESTART :ballot_box_with_check:
  3. RESET - Clicking on Reset should start counting from zero. :ballot_box_with_check:

** :ledger:Some things to keep in mind -**

  1. Participants have to make sure their submissions meet all the elements in the Requirement List.
  2. Participants have to use their creativity wherever they can.
  3. Winner will be chosen depending on them meeting the Requirement List, Presentation of the Project, the codes running perfectly.
  4. EdYoda Program Delivery Team will be going through each submission manually and will declare the winner next week here.

You can submit your project until Sunday 9 pm. Any submission after that will not be considered.

I wish you all the best! Let the challenge commence :star_struck: !!!

cc. @kashifk9065 @dharshinim.ug20.cs @athiramelekappil @shivtech1906 @atulfebe @Salunkheakash619


where do we have to submit our work

In this thread @rprashant924 . Share us the link of your project.

where i submit the link

You have to submit the link of the project to this thread @ceh.devesh95 .

Stop Watch - HTML , CSS , JS (kruti2408.github.io) Here is my project link !


Deployment Link- https://stopwatch-immkp.netlify.app/
Codepen Link- https://codepen.io/immkp/pen/gOBgKGj

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where i submit the link

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Deployed site : https://stopwatch-visionary-challenge.vercel.app/
Github : GitHub - himanshuc96/Stopwatch-Visionary-Challenge


Codepen Link- https://codepen.io/Sneha-pulagorla/pen/eYPgPrJ

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Hi this is Sreenivas M from Full stack developer batch FSR160123, I am sharing my visionary challenge link(stopwatch).


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Hi,I am Manasi Kundu from FSR160123 batch.
Here is my submission link:- https://stopwatch.manasikundu.repl.co/

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Hi here is my website link

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Hyy! Here is the link to my project for β€œThe visionary challenge” : https://codepen.io/SupriyaPaul863/full/qBJRvMQ

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hi there, myself sainadh and here is you want Stopwatch application | CodingLab
i know its late already but please consider this one also.

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Hi everyone :wave:!

We are once again blown away by the response for this challenge :exploding_head:!

I want to specially shout out to @himanshuchaturvedi16 and @kundu97manasi for their projects :star_struck:!

All of you who participated have shown your creativity and enthusiasm :clap: :clap: :clap: and we appreciate the time and effort you put into your submissions!

The winner for this Visionary Challenge met all the challenge requirements, went beyond those requirements and had a flair of creativity :rocket:!

Congratulations to @srinumsp4 from FSR160123 as the Winner of the Visionary Challenge - Project on Create a Stopwatch :100:.

We will come to you with the next Visionary Challenge in May, till then keep practising and keep learning! :grin:

cc. @athiramelekappil , @kashifk9065 @Salunkheakash619 @dharshinim.ug20.cs @shivtech1906 @atulfebe

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