FSR170823 :- HTML Questions | Semantic and non semantic | Html Form

Q.s 1 :- Explain what is semantic and non semantic in html with example.
Q.s 2 :- What’s the role of input type submit, radio & password.
Q.s 3 :- How to create a checkbox in HTML?
Q.s 4 :- Explain aside, footer , article tags ?

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.1sementic tag easy for developer to write code and non semantic tell nothing about c0nent
2.input tag for get input and radio determine round button and password for secret

3.<input type=“checkbox” name=“sub1”
4.aside is used for creating side bar and footer for downside artice tag to create articles in html

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  1. semantic in a html is used to define the different sections make easy to understand the code and non-semantic in html is using only div tag for all the sections

2.submit refresh the page and radio button is to select a particular option and password is to encrypt the text
3. <input type=“check box”
4.these tags are used in semantic html aside is used to create section in left of a page, footer is to create section at bottom of the page and article tag create a section inside the header.

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1.Semantic in html tags convey the meaning
form , article
Non -semantic they don’t have meaning
2. Submit is for submit button which submits all form values.
Radio is for selecting one option
and password is for secure data entry
3. input type=“checkbox” with <>
4.aside defines content that is less important such as side bars.
footer is for copy right information and contact details and it is at the bottom of the page
article defines content that could stand independently of the site.

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  1. Semantic contains specific tags like header, footer, aside - which will give a better understanding to the developer and optimize the SEO or the search engine, whereas non semantic doesn’t provide any tags it will use div tags

  2. Submit - This will create a submit button and push or save the data
    radio - This will create a radio button
    Password - This will hide the text we enter field and shows bullet icon.

  3. input tag in the type mention as checkbox – input type=“checkbox”

4.Aside - Used to create side bar
Footer - Used to create the bottom part of the page
Article - Used to create blog article, news article

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1.semantic elements are useful to identify the parts of a page ex:<header>,<nav>,<section>,<article>,<footer> and non-semantic elements are commonly used ex:

2.submit is used to submit the data, radio is used to select one option, password is used for hide the text with dots.
3.<input type="checkbox" name="sub1">Html is used for multiple selections. 4.
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1.semantic tells the meaning to the browser and the developer eg:-
non semantic does not tell anything eg:-

2.radio button describes a radio for selecting many choices eg:male and female
submit button describes submitting the information in website or in a form
password button describes the text in asterisk format
3.checkbox is written as it is shown in square box and helps to select more options
4.aside defines that the content is not much important
footer is used at the bottom of the page
article defines the content that is written on the page

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ans 1: Semantic are the tags of html that conveys the meaning of the content contain within them example : tag header for the top heading , tag nav for navigation , tag aside for side bar , tag footer for the below details.
non sementic are the tag that can exactly do same thing what semantic tag can do but the tag that are used are same which later confuses the persin to identify their tag mistake or to improve it such tag contail on div-tag

ans 2: input sumbit for accessing the data to submit
input radio for one option list for predefine option
input password to hide the visibily of password

ans3: subjects :

ans 4: aside tag- defines less important,a side bar , non esstential info
footer tag - bottom of page , contact details , published , copyright info
article tag- to write the detail of products

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  1. semantic in a html is easy to understand the code for the search engine and non-semantic in html is using div tag for all the sections

2.submit refresh the page and radio button is to select a particular option and password is to encrypt the text
3. <input type=“checkbox”
4.aside is used to create section in left of a body, footer is to create section at bottom of the page and article tag create a section inside the header.

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tag label subjects :tag label
input type=“checkbox” name=“sub1”

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1.semantic-refers to use of html tags that convey the meaning or semantics of content contained within them.
Non-semantic-which uses tags that don’t directly convey meaning
2.input used to input the information, submit used to as submiit button to submit information, ratio is used to selecting particular option, password is for protect the data.
3.input type=“checkbox”
4.aside-defines side bars, footer-create the bottom part of page, article-used to create new article

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1.semantic html describes meaning to both browser and developer . Ex ,,,,./ non-semantic html can be used with different attributes to mark up .Ex


  1. submit is to submit the data which we filled in the form./ radio type is used to select single item…/ password input is used to set the password to the user.


4.aside is used to create a sidebar. footer is used to include contact information, and navigation…article is used to

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  1. In semantic we use different different name according to the section of a web page like navbar header ,footer etc . and in non-semantic we use div tag in every place with different class and id.
  2. input type defines the type of data we are going to take from the user. like radio in this we give check mark and in password we use stars to hide to password for safety reason.
  3. input type radio like this input type=“radio”.
  4. aside means side bar which is usually static in web page .here we write heading of whole content.
    footer is place where we write other info like media link , email sign up , contact etc
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Semantic HTML Elements
HTML elements that carry meaningful context and convey the structure of the webpage, making it easier for both developer and others to understand the purpose of each element. It is used provide a clear understanding of the content’s hierarchy. They include header, nav, main , section, article, aside , footer and other tags

Non-Semantic HTML Elements
HTML elements without conveying the actual meaning or structure of the content in the webpage they only use div,span and p tags and others .

  <p>An article written by an Author</p>
    <p>Paragraph that has been written by the author </p>

Input tag is a part of HTML forms, allows users to input various types of data. The type attribute of the <input> element specifies the kind of input it will accept by the input tag

Submit button is used to submit the form details(user entered details) to the server.

Radio button allows user to select only one option to the user.
Password type on an input tag is used to take a password from the user. As the user enter the password dot will be displayed.

<p> Select your fav subjects</p>
<input type="checkbox" id="sub1" name="sub1" value="math">
<label for="sub1"> MATHS</label><br>
<input type="checkbox" id="sub2" name="sub2" value="science">
<label for="sub2">science</label><br>
<input type="checkbox" id="sub3" name="sub3" value="ac">
<label for="sub3"> Art and Craft</label><br><br>
  1. aside tags are used to create an sidebar in a webpage
    The footer element represents the footer of a section or the entire page.It also contains the detail about authorship, copyright information, contact details, and other related content
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Sol1 - Semantic elements are those elements in HTML Which provide meaning to web Browser and it helps in SEO. They act as normal tag but provide meaning to browser as well as user like <Nav> </nav>,aside Non Semantic Tags does not provide any meaning to Web browsers like Div etc

Sol2. Input type Submit is used to send the the data to backend database
Radio button Provide only one selection to user while Checkbox allow user to select multiple option

Sol3 . <label for="">Subjects</label> <input type="checkbox" />CSS <input type="checkbox" />HTML <input type="checkbox" />JS

Sol4 aside- Used for creating sidebar, Footer is basically the last section of any web page containing some anchor tags and an Website can have one or more article and it is alternative of div but have meaning in it

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  1. Semantic html elements give the definition.
    Non semantice html they donot give the definition. ex,
  2. submit : used to submit the forms ex:
    radio: used to select single option .ex: Male
    password: passeword id used when logging to the website. ex:
  3. checkbox: Subjects


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1.Semantic html convey the meaning of the content that have<
Where as non semantic elements don’t have any content simply they give a content
Eg: and


  1. <Input type ="submit>

    <Input type = "check box>


4.aside tags are in the left side of the page
Footer ttag is in last

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  1. Semantic HTML is the use of HTML markup of content on a web page. Its describe the purpose of the content, for example …>heading tag h1, paragraph tag for

    Non-semantic HTML refers to the use of HTML elements that do not have any permanent meaning, but are used to format and style content on a web page.

  2. Submit - it uses the data and information of the form.
    Radio - it is used to choose/ select the options randomly at same time.
    Password - used to put the password of user.

  3. from this tag….

  4. <header> element represents a container for introduction of content/web page or a set of nav tag links.

element specifies self-contained content. `` element defines a footer for a document/ web page.
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Q.3 to create check box in html we use a input type=" checkbox"
Q2 submit button can be used to submits all forms value to database
radio button can be used to select the option like gender.
password can be used for a to encrypted data it mean hide the data
Q.1 semantic element is clearly describes code for developer and also browser
example ,
non semantic elements they nothing tell about the content

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1.Semantic Html: It refers to the use of html tags that convey the clear meaning of the content
contained within them. And it gives us more and clear understanding of the structure.
Non-Semantic Html: It doesn’t have any meaning and it is confusive to both developer and also to
the machine.
2.Submit=It basically works as a button
radio= it basically used to select any one option when there are N no.of choices
Password= input password help to keep the password in encrypyed type so that it maintains
4. Article: Article tag defines that content can stand independently on the page
Footer: We use this at the bottom of the page which includes contact info copyright info and
address, etc.
Aside: It is a less important tag, often used for side bars and areas that add complementary but
non-essential info.

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