FSR170823- HTML Attributes Questions

Ques 1- How do the href and src attributes differ in their usage?
Ques 2- Describe the use of the target attribute in the <a> tag. What values can it take, and what do they mean?
Ques 3- Explain the importance of the type attribute in the <link> tag within the <head> section.

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Question 1:

The href and src attributes are both used to specify the location of a resource, but they are used in different contexts. The href attribute is used in the a tag to create a link to another resource, such as a webpage, a file, or an email address. The src attribute is used in the img, script, and iframe tags to embed a resource, such as an image, a script, or an iframe, into the current document.


Attribute Usage
href Specifies the location of a resource that the a tag links to.
src Specifies the location of a resource that is embedded in the current document.

Question 2:

The target attribute in the a tag specifies where the linked resource will be opened. The possible values for the target attribute are:

  • _blank: opens the linked resource in a new browser window or tab.
  • _self: opens the linked resource in the same window or tab that it was clicked from.
  • _parent: opens the linked resource in the parent frameset.
  • _top: opens the linked resource in the full browser window, regardless of any frames.
  • name: opens the linked resource in the frame or iframe with the specified name.

For example, the following code would create a link that opens the linked resource in a new browser window:

<a href="https://www.google.com" target="_blank">Google</a>

Question 3:

The type attribute in the link tag specifies the MIME type of the linked resource. The MIME type is a standard way of identifying a type of data, such as text, images, or scripts.

The type attribute is important because it tells the browser how to interpret the linked resource. For example, if the type attribute is set to text/css, the browser will know that the linked resource is a stylesheet and will load it accordingly.

Here are some common MIME types for linked example

  • text/html: HTML document
  • text/css: Cascading Style Sheet
  • image/jpeg: JPEG image
  • image/png: PNG image

Well done @p.anandcool