FSR020923 Today's community thing!

1-what is variables in java script??

variables are used to store data

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In js variable is used to store some data
var x = 20;
var chr = “string”;

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Using var
Using let
Using const

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They are 3 types of variables in js
Let , const and var

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variable is container which stores some value or variable is the name of the memory location which stores contain value there are 3 types key words to declare the variable let var const

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its used to store data

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2-What are data types in JS??

variables are used to store the data for future reference or reusability

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data type is a type of data that we want to store in variable like int,float,boolean

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primitive and non primitive

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Variable is a one kind of storage to store a data in JavaScript. There are three ways to store variables, they are let, const, var.

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primitive and non primitive
these are main two data types in js

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  • String.
  • Number.
  • Boolean.
  • Undefined.
  • Null.
  • Object.
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there are two types of datatypes 1)primitive 2)non-primitive
in primitive we have the number,string , boolean, symbol, bigint
in non primitive we have the 1)array 2)objects 3)functions


primitive and Non- primitive datatypes

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