Examples of attributes in html

3 examples of attributes.

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three examples of attributes in HTML

  1. The “src” attribute: This attribute is used to specify the URL of an image, audio, or video file that should be displayed on a webpage. For example, the following HTML code would display an image with the file name “myimage.jpg” located in the same directory as the HTML file:

“A description of the image”

  1. The “href” attribute: This attribute is used to specify the URL of a link that should be displayed on a webpage. For example, the following HTML code would create a link to the Wikipedia homepage:

“Visit Wikipedia”

  1. The “class” attribute: This attribute is used to specify one or more classes for an HTML element. Classes are used by CSS to apply styles to specific elements on a webpage. For example, the following HTML code would create a paragraph element with the class “important”:

This is an important paragraph.
