DS160123 Object Oriented Programming

object- instance of class
class - Blueprint of object
Encapsulation - defining different methods inside a class and calling them as per our
requirement. It also protects our data.
Polymorphism - Different behavior in different instances
Abstraction - Hiding our irrelevant Data
Inheritance - inheriting properties of a parent or superclass/ classes to a child or subclass/classes as per our requirements(One property of the object is acquiring another property of an object)


Good keep it up :+1:
We can slightly improve the definition for encapsulation and inheritance as:
Encapsulation: defining different methods inside a class and calling them as per our requirement. It’s also protect our dat.
Inheritance: inheriting properties of parent or super class/ classes to child or sub class/classes as per our requirements.

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Yes Sir, I’ll note it down. And thanks for giving me this important suggestion


Keep learning :heart: