DS150423 #Group Presentation

Pls evaluate this


Do not worry.
It will get evaluated soon.

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Please make sure that you give access to the submission links. This might be the reason why it is not yet evaluated.

hii mam.good evening iam batch DS150423.my name is Sanapathi Sai Sameera.i got my cerificate as Sanapathi Sai only,so please slove my issue and send the new cerificate for my mail,sssameera2004@gmail.com.

We will check and re-issue the certificate for you @sssameera2004

access already given

@vaishu.swap10112016 you have only submitted the film analysis script. There are two components to the assignment- a group written script and a video analysis. You have not submitted both which is why it is not evaluated.

@vaishu.swap10112016 Where is your contribution in this? I cannot find your name or your video in the assignment that you have submitted

this is me

Intro and conclusion: Sanvi

check my contribution pls

Okay, I will check. Next time use your name as the username. Otherwise it is confusing

ok madam. thank you…

hi Aysha, I am working professional so i didn’t I have the luxury of time to attend your live classes, however I have watched every recorded video. and I have been on working on the final assignment of film analysis by myself “not completed” so i would like to know the deadline for submitting the assignment

what about communication bootcamp certificate?

you need to submit it as soon as possible as the deadline is already over @muhamedaslam18

You will receive the certificates soon