DS certification test doubt


I have completed my DS program and I am going to attend my DS certification test on 07-05-2023.

I have a query that without know the exam pattern (project) how could I attend the test and there is no discussion or demo test video in the portal

Please provide any demo test or videos link to get some idea regarding the DS certification test

with regards,



Please reach out to support on support@edyoda.com

They only suggest that to message in Community


Then tag here or contact your batch TA.

Hi @v010000100100 , for Data Science certificatrion the best practice resource website is Kaggle.
For more information on the certification, it was avaialble in the Certification platform.

Sadly, the TAs are not able to here since TAs are not associated with Certifications. If you have certification related query - please reach out to the Support Team.

FYI , your TA is @kaushal.kk37.kk , Kaushal.

Sorry! for this
But I think I need to post here you all are suggesting to mail to support team but support team is replying like this

Thank you for reaching out.

We have received your query and have forwarded it to the concerned team.

Also, request you to put up your queries and doubts in the community platform on the classroom portal.

Our TAs will try to resolve your queries at the earliest.

Feel free to reach out with any further queries or concerns.

Happy Learning!

So, Now what we need to do

Hello, As I know in project part of your DS certification you will be given 3-4 datasets (questions) on which you have to perform EDA using python libraries like pandas, numpy, seaborn, plotly or matplotlib, etc and apply suitable ML model for prediction. After completion you have to submit your project.
Iā€™m not having access to certification but as I know you will find sufficient instructions in exam to proceed for completion.

For more practice please try to revise or practice again your ML and data wrangling assignments and projects.
Thanks and keep practicing.


Ok sir Thank you @kaushal-ta-ds

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