# Community Quiz (Decision Tree)

Question 1: What is splitting in the decision tree?
(A) Dividing a node into two or more sub-nodes based on if-else conditions
(B) Removing a sub-node from the tree
(C) Balance the dataset prior to fitting
(D) All of the above

Question 2: What is a leaf or terminal node in the decision tree?
(A)The end of the decision tree where it cannot be split into further sub-nodes.
(B) Maximum depth
(C) A subsection of the entire tree
(D) A node that represents the entire population or sample

Question 3: What is pruning in a decision tree?
(A) Removing a sub-node from the tree
(B) Dividing a node into two or more sub-nodes based on if-else conditions
(C) Balance the dataset prior to fitting
(D) All of the above

Question 4: In the decision tree, the measure of the degree of probability of a particular variable being wrongly classified when it is randomly chosen is called _____.
(A) Pruning
(B) Information gain
(C) Maximum depth
(D) Gini impurity

Question 5: Suppose in a classification problem, you are using a decision tree and you use the Gini index as the criterion for the algorithm to select the feature for the root node. The feature with the _____ Gini index will be selected.
(A) maximum
(B) highest
(C) least
(D) None of these

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  1. A
  2. D
  3. C
  4. A
  5. A
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1.a. Dividing a node into two or more sub-nodes based on if-else conditions
2.a.The end of the decision tree where it cannot be split into further sub-nodes.
3.c.Balance the dataset prior to fitting
4.d.Gini impurity
5.c. least

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1.-> d

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1 - A
2 - A
3 - A
4 - D
5 - C

Thank you

Ans :

  1. A
  2. A
  3. A
  4. D
  5. C