Communication Bootcamp final result not released

Hi @aysha.p mam.
I am Vishnu Priya from batch CB040923. My group presentation assignment is still not graded and my final ressult & my certificate was not released yet. Many of my batchmates received their certificates. Kindly look into this and please do the needful.
Vishnu Priya.B

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Hi dear @dharshinim.ug20.cs please take care of her group presentations thing and @vishnupriya0211 for certification thing kindly reach to support team they will resolve your issue !!

Hello mam, i wrote to support team as well. they closed my ticket without giving proper response about the issue. My issue is still the same. Can u please check?

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Hi dear again reach out to them by raising ticket again!!

raised two tickets so proper response yet.and my issue is still the same.please loof into it.

my group presentation has not been valuated yet.I got my results for final certification but couldn’t download it. Please check