Communication Bootcamp Certificate Not Downloading

Hello…! I’m from batch: CB210823. I have completed my certification exam and got the result as passed but could not download my certificate. Please check it once. @aysha.p

Hi @justusjimelliot , please check now. You will be able to view your certificate. To save it , please click on View Certificate and then right click. Simply choose save image and it should be saved in your local system.

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No, it’s not working, I’m also unable to download it.

download is not working

Hi @kumarswapnil445 and @saikishorkl2003 please check now

hello I am not able to download my communication certificate

Hi @deeprajanworld97 , this issue is resolved.

hay I did not qualified for communication certificate because in second round my number was 50 out of 100 .By watching this video can you share me the feedback where i need to work more so that I can clear my re attempt exam 10c5870b-d235-495e-9336-1b0e6f600849.MP4 this is video link