Certification python

Hi Team, I have From DS 140223

Today I appeared for the Python Certification Exam. For the Project Building module, no Marks have been awarded to me. Even though my test cases has failed When I ran the project the below flow was executed successfully

→ Create event

→ view all events

→ view event by event id

→ update event

→ delete event

→ update password

Can someone please check the code that I have submitted and let me know why the test cases have failed?

Thanks & regards

K.Surya Phanindra

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I think There will be some error in some part of code that’s why.
But don’t why contact support team for manual checking.
They will assign you proper marks for sure

Hi @kaushal-ta-ds

There is no error from coding part because my was executed successfully and It was working fine

Anyway I sent a mail to support waiting for reply from them

Thanks for responding

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@titiksha.chakraborty can you help him out?

If you have mailed to Support, then you should receive a respond back. Don’t worry, @suryaphani56 .

Hi @suryaphani56 , I have an update for you. I reached out to the Support Team and they’ve let me know that they manually went thorugh your project however there were the following errors - There are 4-5 errors (spelling, syntax error etc) in the project.

It is due to this reason that the test cases were failed. Also, the result for this project has been declared.

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