Black day at edyoda (Issue in the python certification exam)

Dear mentor/instructors/TA/ Administration,

(Individual student failures might be attributed to the student’s efforts or lack thereof, but if a large number of students fail, it could indicate issues with the teaching methods or the instructor)

This is regarding the python certification exam held on 24th September 2023 for the batch DS100723 .
I would like to inform you that there was too many confusion and issues with the mettle platform. Our codes are running totally good in other platforms like vs code, jupyter or colab but in mettle it was showing error, I was unable to understand, how can it happen, we all are very dispointed with the mettle platform.
Also there was two MQC questions which belong to HTML/CSS.

Also we are taught to code in colab/jupyter/vs code. All assignments which are given to us belongs to colab/jupyter/vs code / github. And one more, in hackerank , it was fine too. In short, I want say that we got failed because we were not familiar with this mettle platform, we all are unable to understand how it compiling our codes. And we are not taught about this in even any single class, it was not our mistakes. Many of the students from our batch cried yesterday, this so harrassing and killed the motivation of many students. It was like a #blackday_in_edyoda.

Here, we want below mentioned things -

  1. Reattempt without any cost
  2. One week tutorial for mettle platform.
  3. A mock test in same mettle platform.
  4. A human evaluator
  5. A Contact number where we can connect directly If we faces issue while exam

And We also want a person to discuss these things on today’s class at 7:30 pm. Otherwise we will not join any classes and share this dark side of edyoda to all the social media platform.

Raj Kumar Mandal

@pirjadesimran815 @zk6290254938
@sathyaajay2001 @tejasachaudhari8111


@simransingh1909 @prachitisoni8
@kaushal-ta-ds @DS_TA @dsedyoda @kalyani-ta-ds @g.tbabith28

I raised a ticket regarding this issue, and they responded by stating that they already mentioned about Mettle in a class. However, in reality, nobody mentioned Mettle in any of our classes. Additionally, I find it unfair that assignments were provided in different way they could have provided through Mettle. Alternatively, I suggest that they could have used Mettle for conducting a mock test And also i faced lot of issue while compile the code same code runs in another library there is also issue in mettle .
So As whole batch facing same issue Kindly do the needful, So we don’t want to regret on choosing edyoda


Hello everyone.

Thank you for reaching out to us and letting us know how you felt.

However, please note that information about the importance of writing codes on Mettl and that writing codes in Mettl will be different from writing codes on VS Code, GitHub or other platforms was already sent out in notfications.

Notifications on Classroom are available for every type of update -

A demo walkthrough is available in the Python Certification Preparation module -

You already had a week of Python Preparation, during which you were free to ask all your relevant questions about the platform and more.

Certification tab itself has all the information you need to take the exams -

You could also get more information about how to take the exam from View Exam Details in the same tab -

There were posts made on Community for your help -

As you can see, all that the students need to prepare themselves for Certification exams were already available. Whenever you were having doubts or problems, you should have reached out to your instructor and we would always be there to help you.

Certifications exams will always be different than what you usually do in the sessions since this is a qualifying exam and only those who have taken the time to understand and practice could qualify.

We are there for you in every step of the way but it is also important that you prepare yourself for exams such as this.

Someone from our team will be speaking with you all today in the session and I hope that it will give you all more clarity.

@titiksha.chakraborty @pirjadesimran815
I am from the previous batch, the same thing happened with me in our batch also and at that time my voice was silenced. This is happening again too. I had a very bad experience there, if no solution was found then I would have to share this matter on all social platforms. This is a complete scam.t you have played a dirty with the lives of students.


I totally agree with @rajmandal8877 and @titiksha.chakraborty mam please stop making this type excuses and provide a appropriate resolution.


I totally agree with you, and I cried yesterday, I am feeling like my all efforts and money is just wasted, this was my worst experience here, I will never recommend anyone to join edyoda, it was so harassing. Feeling like they are playing with our career and just lied to us.

@titiksha.chakraborty do something otherwise we tell everyone about this dark truth of edyoda to everyone in everywhere youtube, instagram, twitter, linkdin, facebook. I will go to consumer court too.


And also, solve one Python problem in today’s live class so that we can make sure there is no problem in the mettl. Without teaching the methods, how can you say to solve this? At the beginning, you said there is no need to have a coding background for this, but look, previous batch students are also complaining. Even you got the same complaint from the previous batch. There is no improvisation from your side. I am too demotivated from yesterday.
I agree with @rajmandal8877 in what he said. I don’t want to waste my time and money. Kindly do the needful, @titiksha.chakraborty."


@rajmandal8877 …im also facing the issue yesterday I don’t know even a little about mettl platform, how to write code in it… and even after writing the code, the 3 questions I gave in the first round didn’t run and didn’t get output… how to compile in it?
I got failed in the first round of the exam yesterday… I was very sad. basically i am not coding background but I have confidence in the listening sessions but yesterday exam, I loose my confidence.
please can you change the exam platform with everyone familiar like colab/vscode/ github…


yes so many people are coming from non it background the instructors are only teaching but they didnt create live projects how to understand the non it students and after certification only provide jobs how to clear the certification? the management dont care about the issues


before joining the demo was good after demo no one can reach out the students and how to understand the non it students


Hi all, we appreciate your feedbacks and we are actively working on it currently to incorporate it into our program.

Our representative has spoken to you during the session and given you the best possible resolution we can at the moment.

We encourage all of you to share your honest experiences with us on whatever platform you feel comfortable because we value your thoughts and your suggestions.

Unfortunately, for those who attempted and failed Round 1, nothing can be done since that round is complete automated and once it is attempted we can’t redo it. You may consider reattempting the certification exam.

Or, you can get a free attempt one last time by doing the following - If you have the MASTER BADGE, you will get one more free reattempt for your Certifications which you can use just once.

HOW TO GET MASTER BADGE - based on your attendance percentage, you can get this badge. You can check your Classroom portal.

Once you get the Master Badge, you can take the Certification exam for free once again.

For those who attempted and failed Round 2, as per the discussion you had, you will soon receive a mail with important details.

I hope this can help you all. Once again, we will actively work on improving the Certification experience for all of our students, but at this moment - this is what we can do to help you out.

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Hi @titiksha.chakraborty,

I don’t know, you have understood our concern or not, let me tell you again, maximum students didn’t attempt 2nd round as we have faced lot of issues in the 1st round (coding part).
In the discussion of that Mr. Sumant mentioned that :

  1. There is will be only one Round exam which will be equivalent to those two rounds.
  2. Duration will be 4 hour and It will consist only project based questions.
  3. we can use any platform for coding and upload it to drive and submit the link there.
  4. It will be for all who had faced this issue in the exam of 24th Sep, 2023.
  5. This will be free of cost.

Now you are saying different thing,
And also he mentioned we will be provided practice resources which hasn’t provided yet.
Kindly do needful.



Hi @rajmandal8877 ,

Please focus on retaking the Certification Exam offline next week. Those who have filled the form - prepare yourselves and take the exam. Share the project link in time and give access. Update it on the Google sheet we shared.

Your Certification clearance will be based on the project you submitted and the scores you get in the offline exam.

For anyone who missed filling out the form or do not want to do the offline project next week or are unable to do so- you can obtain Master Badge and then retake the Certification Exam.

I hope this is now clear.

Regarding practice resources - As Sumanth already mentioned - all resources are avaialble in the Python Certification Preparation Module and in the DS Certification Resources on Community. Please go through those resources and practice problems on hackerank available in Assignment 1 and 1.1 in the Python Certification preparation module.

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@titiksha.chakraborty As you give a chance to reattempt for the round-2…
I clearly tell the reality that most of the students also failed in round-1 because of coding section…
its like we run absolutely correct code But It will throw an error everytime…and it results we fail in test cases…so I don’t know its technical issue…or its by ur side…
Even I am not able to passed the round-1
So its useless to give the exam on 1st october for only round-2
even we are passed in 1october round-2 exam then there is not use because we already fail in round-1…as a result we cann’t fulfill the passing criteria of the exam
So what to do those students who have fail in both the rounds
So I request you that please give the access to reattempt both rounds for the exam on 1st october… @gellepriya1997 @

even you are not updating yet for the exam which is held on 1st october
1)type of exam / questions
2)mode of exam
3)on which platform you will take
4) it is similar to previous one

As I already mail to support team regarding to reattempt for both arounds of python certification exam…but they didn’t process my request…
the institute have a total access of the exams and all stuff then how can they said like this…Its institute fault that you were not properly checking all the resources before conducting the certification exam

@aishukhairnar1998 don’t be upset if your query is valid, it will be solved sooner or it may took sometime, but it will be solved.

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I am writing as a former student of edyoda and I want to express my full agreement with the concerns raised by the current batch of students regarding the certification exam. In fact, I, too, faced similar challenges during my time at the institute.


@aishukhairnar1998 You need to pay more attention because this situation has been resolved already. If you are not attending your sessions regularly, you need to attend them. Or ask your batchmates and get uptodate with the latest news.


One of our team member - Sumanth, went into your session on Friday (29th September) and informed that based on your widespread concerns - we will conduct both rounds.

ROUND 1 will happen on Mettl
ROUND 2 will be offline project.

Thos who have filled up the form will get the information about Certification exam in the mail in next week.

If anyone has not filled yet - please mention your batch code and your full name below, and you should receieve the mail next week.

Types of questions will not be shared as this is an exam. You need to go through the practice problems available in Classroom and on Community and on Hackerank. Details about that has already been shared and are avaialble in your Python Certification Preparation module and in DS Certification category on Community.

No other practice resources will be shared on this as whatever is available is more than enough for students to practice.

If you need more clarity - I suggest you go through the session recording of yesterday’s session. It will help you understand better.

We are giving you the options that are available right now, I hope this makes the situation clearer for all of you.

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