Batch FSR060523 Quick question for all of you!

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What is The Relationship Between HTML, CSS and JavaScript ?


Html is an structure of an website
Css is used to style that structure
javascript used to make responsive the website by using both of them


They are used to build a webpage. HTML, CSS, and JavaScript form the backbone of modern web development. By combining these technologies, developers can create powerful and engaging web applications that provide rich and interactive user experiences.

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HTML provide us a basic structure of a site which we can modify and edit with the help of CSS and JavaScript.

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CSS is the part which is used for styling for a webpage , JS is the part which provide main functionality of the web page & HTML can be said as the basic structure of an webpage


HTML is use to create the web page and css is used to style the web page and javascript is used to make more interactive or dynamic to the web page


Those are interlinked ones like we use html for structuring,css for styling and js for functionality.


This are help to the Improve user interface and also this are Frontend source

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Html is used for create website content, CSS is used for styling those website and javascript is used for interacting with it.

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HTML provide structure of website, CSS for styling and Javascript to add behaviour and functions.

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HTML provides the basic structure of sites , which is enhanced and modified by other technologies like CSS and Javascript

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HTML creates the website and CSS adds the colour/design etc and JS makes user interact with.

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HTML gives the structure of the website.
CSS gives the style and formatting to the structure.
JS for the functionality of the website

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HTML is used to make the structure and layout of the website

CSS used to styling the website

javascript is used to work our request

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html is only for design , css used for styling and js is used for functionality

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html crate and structurethe website
css add style and formatting
java script something that user interact

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HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) is the building blocks of a website. It is a language that determines how documents and web pages are displayed in a web browser. CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) is the popular style sheet language that can add colors, font styles, layout and responsive features. JavaScript is an interactive elements. It is the ability to make the website more interactive and engaging for users.

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HTML is used to create structure of the website,CSS can be used to create style to the structure and JAVASCRIPT can be used to Interact with users

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HTML provides the basic structure of sites which is modified by other technologies like CSS and Java script. CSS is used to control presentation , formatting , an layout. Javascript is used to control the behavior of different element.

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html provides the basic structure of site
css is responsible for style
java script is resposible for behaviour of diffrent element

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