Batch FSR060523 HTML Questions

1*. What is the difference between attributes and tags in html ?*
2. Give an example of inline and block level elements

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Tags are used to command HTML for any thing like head, body, br, img etc, while attributes are used to give specific details like height width basically used to edit.


a tag is a way of represent an html element in the programme
aattribute is a way of describing the characterstics of an html element


inline element means who takes only required amount of space
block level element means who takes entire level of space
attributes means addition information to the tags
and tags are used for command to html


1.Attributes provides additional information,tags use to represent html elements.
2.Block starts with anew line whereas inline do not starts with new line


button bold and italic- inline element, heading and paragraph - block level


Tag is using to command on html,attribute is using to tha details or hight width and styles


An HTML tag is an element in an HTML document that is used to specify the type of content that should be displayed on a web page. Tags are enclosed in angle brackets < >, and typically have an opening and closing tag. For example, the

tag is used to define a heading, and the

tag is used to define a paragraph.

An HTML attribute, on the other hand, is used to provide additional information about an HTML element. Attributes are added to an HTML tag to modify its behavior or appearance.

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attributes is for adding some graphic content like image and hyperlinks . and tag use for defining attributes . botton is a inline example and H1,H2 … is the block element

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1:Atttibute are additional info ex: src, href and tags are head and body ex: opening/closing tag.


Shivu1 is know as block level

Shivu1 Shivu2 Shivu3 Is known as inline elments.

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Ans1. tags are format and display the content and attributes are additional information about tag.
Ans2. block level elements contains full width and inline not.

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tags ,tags, ,, tags

example of inline element - ,,,

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heading paragraph block level element
button is inline element

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  1. tag is used representing an HTML element in the program and attribute provide extra information about html.
  2. paragraph tag is block level, anchor tag is inline
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  1. Block elements- Heading tags(h1–h6), paragarph(

    Inline elements - Image Tag(), bold tag()

  2. Tag- Can be said as a way of representing elements in html
    Attribute- Can be said as a way of Characterizing elements in html
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  1. A tag is a way of representing an HTML , while the attribute is a way describing the characteristics .
  2. An anchor ( or link ) is an example of inline element , An P element is an example of a block level element


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tag is an inline
tag is inline
tag is inline

to ,h6> is an block element

Also a block element

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@Hiral_Khakhariya mam tags are used to create element in html and attribute is used to provide more inform in the element

inline element example is Img tag, italic and bold tag and block level element like heading tags and p tags

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etc are block leval elements ,
, etc are inline elements

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1-tags are likely keywords which defines the html element and attributes are which gives styles and character of element
2-heading is a example of block level
and button is a example of inline

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