Attendance Issue for FSR270223

Hello @kashifk9065 @utkarsh.gupta.316 sir, My name is Pranjal Mishra. I am the student of batch FSR270223 Full Stack MERN developer program. My attendance is not marking after watching it completely. Please help me. My email id is and contact no is 9807819807.

Hi @pranjal.mgl , please make sure you are meeting these requirements:

  1. The recorded sessions must be watched from the beginning to the very end without skipping anything to get your attendance marked,
  2. Make sure you are watching the recorded sessions withibn 7 days of the live sessions happening. If you watch it after days, your attendance will not be marked.

Let us know if you need any further help.

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Got it , but such things should be told in advance. Now how will i maintain my attendance. I am watching complete recording but days later. Please fix this omce and i’ll maintain from now. Will the attendance impact on placements ? Please @titiksha.chakraborty confirm.

Hi @pranjal.mgl , Placement shouldn’t be affected since it is only one time this has happened. Just make sure from next time, your are attending the live sessions or watching the recordings from start to finish within 7 days of the session happening live.

We have considered your attendance for April, but moving forward there will be no such considerations.

Howveer, assignment and quizz completion along with certifications are very important for Placement, so please work on these areas to improve your performance.

All the best!

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Thanks a lot @titiksha.chakraborty mam. I’ll keep in mind your suggestions for the next time.

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