Assignment ungraded(DS250723)

I have submitted the Assignment 5 before the deadline and its been three days since the deadline but my assignment is still not graded. Its affecting my overall grades

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Hi @karunyadevits , thank you for submitting your assignment on time! However, please note that all submission will be evaluated within 15 days of submissions. This is because our TAs manually evaluate and this process can take time as each TA has multiple batches.

We ask you to be patient. The overall grades won’t matter now, as it will keep on fluctuating until your program ends. So please don’t focus on the marks, but focus on submitting your things in time.

You can also reach out to your TAs - @mohammedaliparkar342 and @sindiya55 for more updates.

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Assignment 4 is done evaluating .
Assignment 5 is in process , it will take 3-4 days to complete

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