Assignment & quiz dates(starting & submission) issue

Respected Sir/Mam,

I am from FSR230523 batch and our every JS Assignments/Quiz starting date and submission date is from Friday to Sunday. If we have any doubt about the assignment or the quiz, then we will not able to ask any faculties as it is on the weekend.

It is my humble request to shift the dates to week days or just extend the number of dates, so that it can cover the weekends and the weekdays also. In that situation we can clear our doubts if we have that time of period.

Kindly look after for that matter, it will be very helpful.

Thanks & Regards,
Rajdeep Chakraborty (FSR230523)


@rajdeepchakraborty59 In weekends also we are available to clear your doubts. You can ask doubt anytime. Anyhow We will consider your query also.

@titiksha.chakraborty Mam please consider this query!

Thanks and Regards
Dharshini M (TA)

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Hi @rajdeepchakraborty59 , I can understand what you’re saying, however, we can’t shift the timings for submission as this is the standard protocol.

As your TA has mentioned here, you can always reach out to them on Community. Also, you can go through the assignments and quizzes before attempting them, and get your doubts cleared up by your instructors or TAs during the live sessions that happen between Monday-Saturday.

If you need additional sessions from TAs or your instructors, you can let them know and we can schedule a session for our students on Saturday.

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