
Hello @shivrajrtandale98 I have one query realted to assignment no .06 question 1st in that we neeed to take input from user and print output in in the form dict in json file right?
means output in file will be like {
“Maharastra”: “Mumbai”,
“Karnataka”: “Banglore”,
“Goa”: “Panji”,
“Telengana”: “Hydrabad”,
“Maharastar”: “Pune”
this is just sample ignore state and capital so we need ouput like this in json file right? and i need to also send that file in github or only code ?

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@harshdip1804 I will get back to you… asap

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@harshdip1804 Yes… Take inputs…

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Can You check Assignment submission date still we are in basic data structure and how we attend quiz and assignment 1 of Advanced DS ? can You check and if possible please extend the dates as we are still in Basic DS and Python Project beoz sir not covered topics in time thats why we are behind as per date

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Ok… @harshdip1804 will look into this.

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@harshdip1804 I have extended due dates for assignment 1 and 2. Please submit it within given dates. Note:- For further assignments due dates will not be extended. You have to submit it within given time.