Assignment-6 Assignment-6: JSON and OOP Assignment

  1. Create a JSON file (employee.json) containing employee information of minimum 5 employees. Each employee information consists of Name, DOB, Height, City, State. Write a python program that reads this information from the JSON file and saves the information into a list of objects of Employee class. Finally print the list of the Employee objects.

sir here i didn’t understand the question please can you explain question.


You need to create Jason file before hand with data of 5 employees.
Than, you need to read that data fro the Jason file and you need to store that data in a list and print the list with the data.

As you are using class you can create an object of that class and print the output.

You need to create Jason file before hand with data of 5 employees.
Than, you need to read that data fro the Jason file and you need to store that data in a list and print the list with the data.

Thanku ma’am.
this is clear

As you are using class you can create an object of that class and print the output.

but ma’am this is how i don’t know…


It is totally your choice , how you are creating the code.
Just use the class concept thats all

ma’am just give me the sample example that i will easy understand. because i have no idea of json with class and object


Is jadon has been taught in your class yet?

ma’am i have completed. my code is run .

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