Assignment-2 not evaluated & quiz

1)DSA assignment-2 not evaluated even i have submitted 4 days before. @shivrajrtandale98

  1. In first quiz i failed because i solve before data type topic covered. please i can solve again different questions but based on same topic…so that i can improve my score and performance otherwise it can be hamper to me at placement time @Shivarajum5397

  2. in first assignment-1 deducted 15 marks i.e. 5 marks in each question only because of input function not mentioned. but my point is that in assignment there was not written about input function should be in program… @shivarajbandaru11

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Hello… @rajdeepalokar0 as this is just your first assignment don’t worry for your score.There are many assignments do well in that. Just remember the mistakes from this assignment & try to overcome that mistakes. The marks are deducted because you may have to practice in such way. you have to take input from users. This is good for your pratice.

My laptop has been sent for repair… Once it get repaired I will evaluate assignments…

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