Assignment 1 HTML AND CSS

In this assignment i done code completely good but while running this code only images are not downloading, with zero knowledge i have created code that was discussed with my group they also confirmed that code is good only images are not downloading i am stuck there you have failed me in this assignment so kindly give another chance to submit my work again

Hi @shivtech1906 , can you please look into this?

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@raji913391 either you host the assignment or provide me the photos that you have used in the project because i don’t have the access of you your photos that you have used in the project.
Upload on google drive and share me the public link in the same thread.

sure i will do it and update you.

Hi sir, please look on bellow link , this is my new code in this code all images are downloading kindly check and provide me marks for this new code. thank you

Hi sir
i am waiting your reply sir